• Gratefulness & Contentment //

    It's so easy for us to be so consumed by all the chores and things that we have to do daily that we rarely take time to pause and thank Jesus for the life that we have. Just last night, I was using my phone and this sudden thought came to mind. What if I lose my eye sight all of a sudden in the next second? What if I can't see anymore? 

    Can you imagine what your life would be like if all of a sudden, everything you have gets stripped away from you? We need to learn to treasure every little/ big luxury that we have. The next time you think about how you think you're too 'ugly', 'fat', 'useless', 'boring', 'a failure' etc., please remind yourselves that you are far far far more well off than others who don't have the pleasure of having what you have. You're considered blessed to have fully functional bodies and arms and legs! You can do so many things. What are you doing with your life? Are we wasting our days away meaninglessly? I know we always hear that but do we actually process it through? We do know that we are blessed but what I want to stress is how we shouldn't take things for granted.

    I have to admit some days I take these for granted but I'm thankful for this reminder that nothing we have is ours. God is our Creator. He can freely give and He can freely take away too. Naked we came into this World and naked we leave as well. No, none of the riches or assets we have acquired in our lives on Earth can be taken away with us to our grave. It's times like these when we truly treasure and thank God for all that we have that we learn to be contented.

    Life can be very 'bleak' and 'boring' to many. However, it's all about perspective. If you view life with a thankful and joyful heart, you'll start to be truly thankful for so many things. Breath to breathe, a healthy body, clean and yummy food, a comfortable bed, clean water, fresh and juicy fruits, clean air etc.

    Why live life complaining when there's so much out there to be happy about? Perspective is key my friends :). It's how you make your life out to be. You could either choose to be happy and thankful or you could live in misery and weariness. Choose happiness today!

    I just watched a show and this girl went cliff diving with her friends in Bali. The cliff was more than 4 storeys high. She was afraid to jump but all for the sake of fun, she leaped off the cliff and bam! She landed badly and screamed "HELP! I can't feel my legs and my neck". The guys swam over to save her but she could hardly move. She had to be admitted to the hospital immediately because she showed serious signs of a spinal cord injury. She could be paralysed for life. Imagine that. Not being able to move freely like before. You'll never know what may happen any minute. It just goes to show that our human lives are but passing shadows, a vapour in the air, a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow. It shows that God is infinitely sovereign and almighty. Who are we mere mortals to think we don't need God? Or to even think that we are our "own god"?

    "Do not be deceived, my brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:16-17

    Hehe these are just some thoughts that I think about & prayers I make whenever I take a stroll in the park the past few weeks.

    Have a great week lovelies.

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